Sunday, October 07, 2007

Where's the love y'all?

I was talking with my rooommate Michelle yesterday about how easy it is to forget that you lived a life before the one you're living now. Let me explain. I'm so used to Alpine Court, to sleeping in the same room as Michelle, to being friends with Christie, to working 25 hours a week, to my classes this semester, to my shift at cougar creations. It's hard to remember that even just this summer my life was different. Lindsay Craven was my roommate, and now I've only seen her twice since the new school year started. Christina wasn't in Romania, and we worked hours on end with each other, listened to Colbie Caillat constantly and went to the malt shoppe. Then back a little further. I was roommates with Meghan, Lacey and Lindsay. I still lived in the 51st ward. I hung out with Lindsay and Stephanie all the time. I would stay up late talking to Meghan. I watched CMT Saturday mornings. I still lived near Lindsey Reynolds and would occasionally sit in B20 and chat/complain/analyze people. Back a little further. I lived in B21 with Lisa Monson, Krystle Farnsworth and Miriam Wallin. Miriam and I used to brush our teeth together late at night, and I visited her house in Kaysville a couple times. We ran together. I knew what was going on in Lisa and Krystle's lives. Still further. I lived with Krystle in 719 of S hall in DT. We had dining plus. We watched a lot of movies. To this day she is one of the few people I have danced in front of. We hung out with Lisa Monson a lot. Kristina Cummins was one of my best friends. I remember sitting in the basement of S hall with Kristina sharing things about our lives that felt so personal. I felt so close to her. Lindsey, Chelsea and I bonded. We watched movies during visiting hours. I could go on forever. I could go back to senior year of high school and remember being friends with Katie Hagen and Stu and even further to being friends with Katie Nye and Holly. Not to mention living at home, taking different classes each year and endless hours playing soccer.

I can settle into a routine in like 2 weeks and it feels like this is my life—like I've never been different, I've never had different friends. I think all these thoughts were really prompted from hanging out with Lindsey and Chelsea yesterday. It was so good to see them. It was also really good to remind myself that my whole life has not been lived at Alpine Court #25. Not even close.

It has been a really good conference weekend. Busy, of course. I didn't get any homework done, of course. But really good.


Unknown said...

Kristin, I felt like I shared too much last night... just kidding Chelm! That pumpkin goodness and Leave it to Beaver Pilot episode was just what I needed in my life at that very moment.

Chelsea said...

I'm so glad that someone else didn't get any homework done this weekend either.

Unknown said...

Sometimes I still want a B-22 shirt. Don't Play with Fire
Play with B-22
I think it would be even greater now that none of the originals live there.

Unknown said...

Shut up Kristin! Somehow, it doesn't have the same terrifying effect when I say it...

Chelsea said...

Looks like Lindsey is beating me in the contest of who can get the most comments on one of Kristin's blog posts.

Chelsea said...

Wow, though. Lives changing. It is weird to think about. I observed at the ELC the other day and the teacher asked the students to predict what they thought they would be doing in five years. Think about all the "lives" you will live in the next five years. I guess things settle down considerably once you are out of college. I think... We're almost done.

Chelsea said...

P.S. Lindsey and I have both seen you dance, to some extent.