Saturday, April 29, 2006


I'm highly amused at how much the sunday night sipping in apartment 22 looks like a drinking party. I mean, it is a drinking party, but with drinks like sparkling cider and kool-aide. So here are some picture from the final sipping. The top is Chelsea. I'm still a little confused at why the lamp shade was on her head. Next is Lindsey, Molly, Me, Chelsea and Meghan. And the bottom picture is me and Meghan. We're living together next year. (Be excited, Meg, you're going to love me . . . except when I start ignoring you . . . )

And now I'm home in Washington! Last year felt so final and sad when I left Provo, but this year I was ready for a break and to see my family. It's different this year because I'm only going to be away for 6 weeks and 3 of those weeks will be in China.

So far I've mastered the art of being lazy. When I'm at college it feels like I (somewhat) forget how to be lazy, and I'm always pleasantly surprised when the skills just flow back once I'm back in my native habitat.

My sister and I watched The Island last night, which was a better movie than I expected. Today my sisters and I were going to go to Saturday Market in Portland, but it was pretty rainy most of the afternoon and wouldn't have been very fun to walk around. We made pizza and breadsticks for dinner (my mom is amazed by the mad cooking skills I've picked up), and tonight I'll probably watch another movie. And that has been my weekend so far. Monday I'll start packing for China and Tuesday I'll be on my way! Crazy. It hasn't really hit me yet that I'm going, but it will be crazy fun to see Meg and to see China!

The semester ended well. I think it was a good year all around. I made some good friends, maintained some good friends, had some fun, and did pretty well in school. Good times.


Unknown said...

The lampshade is because Chelm is a ragin alcoholic. Why is everything so surreal right now?? Well, gotta go get a job!

Anonymous said...

No. Don't even say that. Chelsea was wearing the lampshade because, after you left, there was a massive food fight and she just wanted to protect her face from any crossfire. You know how it is.

Chelsea said...

Okay, stop telling lies, everyone. Chelsea was wearing the lampshade because Will told her to and she knew it would bring his heart great joy.

Bukran said...

You are all such drunkards. It reminds me of fond memories my freshman year in DT as an unsavory character...